Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Just worried, but he's fine

I called the office of my son’s pediatrician yesterday morning, worried about my son’s left eyelid. It seems red to me and since he’s been itching it the worst it gets and there seems to be a circle on the inner circle of his eyelid. I observed it for two days, but just worried it might get worst. So after calling his pediatrician’s office, nurse said that I should bring him in so that they will be able to examine his eyelid very well. So I brought him in yesterday to his pediatrician in Reno, office seems to be pretty busy, our appointment is at 3:30 pm that afternoon but we were able to get in at 3:50pm already and he has seen by his pediatrician at 4:10pm, wow! That was a long wait, but I’m just glad they were able to squeeze us in for that day. So after the check-up, his pedia said that his eyes is fine and that there’s really nothing to worry, I just have to apply a hot compress to his eyes at least 4times a day and hope that will help ease the situtaion. So I’m just glad that there’s really nothing to worry. At least now, we can say that his fine and we wound keep worrying about it.

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