Friday, August 15, 2008

Thanks to the Tips and experience of Jerla

Funny, I had been blogging for a few months now and until now I still consider my self a newbie. Good thing that the person who introduces me to the world of blogging has always been very accommodating with my question. And she just created a new blog called tips and experience I’ve learn a lot from it, especially with social sparks, ive signed up with them few months back and keep wondering how come I couldn’t get opps from them, to the point that I stopped login in to their website. Thanks to Jerlalous tips and experience now I’ve been getting nice opps from them. PPP and social sparks rocks.

1 comment:

Jerla Oh lalala said...

uy tnx promote nimo ako new blog hehehehe.... ug naa ka new friend gusto mo blog refer lng ako blog tnx in advance
